Tuesday, August 14, 2012


     "NO>:(" My son's new favorite word... Yep he's two alright! He doesn't talk in sentences, at least clear ones, but he knows a few words- cookie, cup, "pete" is feet, toes, "chuck" is truck, "twain" is probably what you think it is, that kind of thing. BUT when he's mad you know it! "NO bet (bed) and makes a face similar to this >:( His sisters have taught him well! The funny part is his voice. He has a DEEP voice but cries like a girl (no offense fat man:)! 

     He is the baby... for now... maybe... haven't decided... maybe later... maybe... I'm not sure. My oldest doesn't start kindergarten until the fall of 2013, then the youngest daughter, then the fat man... Then to high school in a row (9th, 10th, & 11th), driving in a row, graduating, college, married with kiddos... WOW! I just sped thru their whole childhood in one sentence! I really hope it doesn't go by that fast!!! That's why the 4th kid is still a maybe... not ready for a definite no yet. I still have to find a life outside of being a stay at home mom... some kind of job after they start school... My own business would probably be best because of my oldest. She will probably need me to have something flexible in case she needs me in a hurry! Maybe real estate would be good because I love looking for houses? I'm not sure... lots of things I would like to do, but don't have the time to work on now... undecided.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

41 & Counting...

Hello there all of you! I was AMAZED when I walked outside this morning and I did NOT fry!!! It was 79?!?!?!?!!!! CRAZY!!! It helps get me in my FALL mood even more (even though tomorrow's weather will probably smack me right back into place;) Sooo ready.... 41.... I had to laugh though at a comment an old friend of mine made about this on Facebook. He replied "42". ??? I had know clue what he was talking about. Apparently it was a quote about the answer to the meaning of life being "42"... some jokingly made reply from someone once that kind of stuck and has since been tested and proved to be true about many other scientifically tried questions. Who'd-a-thunk-it?

Anyways, my oldest daughter will be 5 (YES! OMG! F.I.V.E.....!!! wait... which also means I will turn 3... yeah we won't go there yet!). WOW! She wants a "pumpkin/fall" themed party (YES! for me (but with a different face than that one previously made^) so we should have LOTS of fun planning this:) 

What kinds of themes have your kids thought up??? 

I will leave you with this happy note... 41 people... 41:)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed...

So this was my 1st (of probably many I hear) trip to the E.R. due to an injury. It was almost time for dinner and I asked my oldest daughter to clean up her room before she eats. I start sweeping up the living room when I hear a loud cry... "Lilly, what's wrong?" "WHAAAAAAAAAAAA.....WHAAAAAAAAAAAA..." Drop the broom, run to her room and all I see is blood pouring from her face! "What did you do!!!???" 'I jumped off my bed and hit the dresser!" I can see a deep gash under her lip, lip itself is busted, and she says her top teeth hurt:# CRAP!!!!! The hubs took my car with the car seats in it and is not answering the phone, so I call his brother... Minutes later, he shows up here, and we run out- paper towel in hand, and head to the hospital... On the way I ask if her tooth feels loose. She says no. We get in the room and she needs stitches:( Poor baby!!!! But, she took it like a champ! Didn't cry or move an inch! She even thought it was funny that they made her lip numb:) Nothing to do for her busted lip but let it heal and her "toothache" was her gums getting shoved up, exposing some tooth. She will be fine, but I will always remember that book...