Wednesday, August 1, 2012

No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed...

So this was my 1st (of probably many I hear) trip to the E.R. due to an injury. It was almost time for dinner and I asked my oldest daughter to clean up her room before she eats. I start sweeping up the living room when I hear a loud cry... "Lilly, what's wrong?" "WHAAAAAAAAAAAA.....WHAAAAAAAAAAAA..." Drop the broom, run to her room and all I see is blood pouring from her face! "What did you do!!!???" 'I jumped off my bed and hit the dresser!" I can see a deep gash under her lip, lip itself is busted, and she says her top teeth hurt:# CRAP!!!!! The hubs took my car with the car seats in it and is not answering the phone, so I call his brother... Minutes later, he shows up here, and we run out- paper towel in hand, and head to the hospital... On the way I ask if her tooth feels loose. She says no. We get in the room and she needs stitches:( Poor baby!!!! But, she took it like a champ! Didn't cry or move an inch! She even thought it was funny that they made her lip numb:) Nothing to do for her busted lip but let it heal and her "toothache" was her gums getting shoved up, exposing some tooth. She will be fine, but I will always remember that book...

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