Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorial Weekend...

     No plans for us for the long weekend, but since it IS the weekend, I'll make it short and sweet:)

     Memorial Day is Monday, so I want to thank all of my military friends and their spouses out there for doing what you do! I know it's especially difficult for a certain close friend of mine that is home alone with 4 little kids and her grandmother. Her hubby is in Afghanistan until January. My heart goes out to her! She's doing a great job and I know she will stay strong! 



Friday, May 25, 2012

Any Volunteers???...

     Made it through yesterday! I gave all 3 kids a damp, soapy washrag and told them to help me clean. WHY did I never think to do this before??? They LOVED it! Will be a new "fun" daily project:) We'll see how long it lasts! They usually won't help. I call their name out 3+ times before they even answer, tell them what needs to be done, check to see what it looks like, and nothing... just a BIGGER mess! I told my oldest daughter that she has to start helping because mommy can't do it all. She replies "Ugh! It's TOO MUCH! I can't!". So I explained that's the same way I feel! "I have you, your babies, daddy, AND me to take care of, and if nobody wants to help, I won't be able to do anything. I'll be too tired. I don't make ALL of the messes around here, but I have to clean them, right? Why do I have to if I didn't do it?" Hopefully this will make sense to her (and her babies, and her daddy soon!). It's gets to be a lot if no one wants to help. Especially after almost 5 years and no days off. It's the life I signed up for. Love everything but the lack of help... Someday... A dishwasher would be nice too! For now I will try out the link I shared the other day. Here it is again in case you don't know what I'm talking about:)

     Are the chores even in your house? Do/did your kids help out at such a young age? Any tips or tricks?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hectic Days...

     Sorry I missed yesterday's post! My daughter had a doctor's appointment and my son is still kind of sick, so I slept MAYBE 1-2 hours, off and on, total for the night. AND I didn't get any coffee:( Hopefully he fells better soon so we all can get some sleep!

     I still really want to get this house together! We've been here a year and a half and it's still not very organized. It's hard to fit everything in a day! I really have no one to blame but myself (and time! Definitely time's fault too!). Just now my oldest decided she wanted to make frosting, so she dumped out a box of cocoa powder on the carpet and into a mixing bowl. She knows she can't eat it, she just wants to make it, but those are the "little" messes that keep my house a wreak! -No wait... ALL OVER HER LITTLE SISTER'S HEAD TOO!!! Ugh! I wish I knew what was going through their mind so I knew how to correct it! 

    What are the craziest ways your kids have found to dirty/ destroy your house? Sorry I have to get off here a little faster today! Will get back to this tomorrow... Thanks for reading!                                                                                           

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Doctors Aren't Cheap....

     Let me start by saying Happy 5th Anniversary to my husband! He may not think I appreciate all he does for us, but I really do. He works hard everyday so I can stay home with our kids. Love him more than he knows;) 

     My son has had a  high fever since Friday. Does your child always get sick like mine? Always at night or on a weekend? When the doc's office is closed? ALWAYS? Never fails! I can't complain much. They have not been sick since Christmas (wait, that's the other "always"). When you call the after hours nurse they tell you, "Oh, well we can't do anything unless "John" has had it 3 days at 101 or higher. Call back on Monday if he still has it or his symptoms get worse." By Monday it is gone or you do take them in and the doc tells you it's just a virus. Nothing they can do because he's too young for any medicine. Just give him Tylenol. I will get a $30 bill that has a note for a 5-10 minute conversation, yes they charge per minute! WELL, I could have saved SOOOO much $$$ and just stayed home with a can of Lysol! UGH! At least he seems to be getting better... Fever is gone, but now he doesn't want to eat:/ 

      As for the cleaning post from yesterday, I got two steps done- woke up early and washed one load of laundry;) Maybe tomorrow! My son was NOT himself today and did not want to be put down... Poor baby:(

Monday, May 21, 2012

I'll Never Catch Up...

     Have you ever been on Pinterest? It's a dumb question, I know. I LOVE IT!!! Can't get enough! There are SO many things I love, want to do, want to see, want to buy (can't afford!), want to craft... I could go on forever:) L.O.V.E , love, LOVE!!! It's so helpful! So many ideas my brain may explode one day!
     Anywhoo, I found a great list of ways to help me get through the chores. I am HORRIBLE at cleaning the house- ask anyone related to me- wait, maybe you shouldn't... I mean well... I always tell myself I can get it ALL done in one day! I'll wake up with (some) energy, get the kids breakfast, drink my coffee while watching the news, give my daughter her insulin, get them cleaned up and let them play, finish watching the news... then get on Facebook or Pinterest... wait, what were my plans for today??? Never happens. I get some laundry done, clean up enough so the kids have room to play,  give them snacks, start to sanitize whatever needs it, then it's already nap time and I'm exhausted! Then it's time to put them down, get my snack, take a break on the couch, and in no time at all, they're awake and it's time for lunch. Oh well. I found a pin on Pinterest that makes sense and hopefully will work for me. She has a list that makes it seem so easy! I'm going to give it a try! WISH ME LUCK!

Check out 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

4 years in...

     This is my FIRST post! SO excited to share my life with you! Guess I should speed up my intro and get you caught up:)

     My name is Amanda. I am 29 and have been married to my high school sweetheart for 5 years (together 11+).  We have 3 kids- a 4 & 1/2 year old daughter, a 3 year old daughter and a 2 year old son. I have been a stay at home mom since my oldest was born and wouldn't change a thing... except...

     My oldest was diagnosed in November with type 1 diabetes. There is no worse way to break a mother's heart than to tell her something is wrong with her child. I took her to Children's Hospital in Dallas for a rash and because she was feeling right. FYI- mother's instinct is ALWAYS RIGHT! She had a blood glucose (sugar levels in the blood) of 587. A normal person should be close to 100. We stayed in the hospital for 5 days until her ketones (sugar found in the urine) were gone. Thanks to the doctors and nurses in the Endocrinology department for helping save my daughter! She is now doing good and can't wait to go to Disney World with her babies and cousin next month!

     Thanks for listening and hope to hear some about you! Feel free to leave your story (or a comment) in the comment box! Until next time...