Friday, June 1, 2012

No Post...

     Sorry I haven't posted lately! It's been CRAZY! We're trying to get everything ready for our week long trip Disney World Wednesday (at 6AM). Not sure how the kids are going to be on such an early flight (not sure how they'd be anyways, they've never been on a plane!). I think we may be holding my son the whole 2 hour flight! I REALLY hope not! I have NO idea what I can take on the plane, if they will question my daughter's needles and bottles of meds, the fact she HAS to have food? Guess I should add checking on their website to my mile long list! It's not going as smoothly as planned, so far it's raining every day I can see on the forecast and we've spent a TON on 2 activities for the girls, but have been told it's all worth it! I've tried to pack as much as possible so I won't have to the day before, but the kids keep taking everything out. I think I may put it in the car- the only place they can't reach! Also, not sure if I can get to any more posts before we leave because of all the things and errands I need to do, but give me until the day after we come back and I'll try to catch up!

     p.s.-The little man was sick for an ENTIRE week... better now and no one else caught it!

     How have your kids been on the plane? Anything you can recommend bringing with me?

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