Monday, July 16, 2012

Forgotten, Not Gone...

WOW! I am WAAAAAAY behind on posting! Can you believe July is half over ALREADY??? 

     Life has been busy as usual. I got strep throat for the second time in 3 weeks:(  I have been attempting to keep up on my cleaning, but being sick and being home with these kids make it hard!!! The schedule I've been using has 1 day a week dedicated to laundry... ummm... I wonder how many people this person has in their family or if the husband comes home covered in dirt like mine, or even has kids?? This is not working! I spent the ENTIRE day doing laundry in addition to the rest of the work to keep the kids fed and alive and barely got half of it finished! Guess I'm going to have to use one of the less important days of cleaning to get the other half done. The saying is true- "laundry never ends".

     On another note, our renters left and now we are trying to decide whether it's better to fix it up and finally sell it, or try renting it out again. I understand it brings in money, but man it's a hassle! We never have "good renters" and just feels like more trouble than it's worth. The good part is that either way, I get to do some decorating!!! I love being able to pick out anything house related:) My only MAJOR DILEMMA is that I want to paint the kitchen cabinets! If you were to buy a house, would you rather have black or white kitchen cabinets??? Please give me your design thoughts:)

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