Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hectic Days...

     Sorry I missed yesterday's post! My daughter had a doctor's appointment and my son is still kind of sick, so I slept MAYBE 1-2 hours, off and on, total for the night. AND I didn't get any coffee:( Hopefully he fells better soon so we all can get some sleep!

     I still really want to get this house together! We've been here a year and a half and it's still not very organized. It's hard to fit everything in a day! I really have no one to blame but myself (and time! Definitely time's fault too!). Just now my oldest decided she wanted to make frosting, so she dumped out a box of cocoa powder on the carpet and into a mixing bowl. She knows she can't eat it, she just wants to make it, but those are the "little" messes that keep my house a wreak! -No wait... ALL OVER HER LITTLE SISTER'S HEAD TOO!!! Ugh! I wish I knew what was going through their mind so I knew how to correct it! 

    What are the craziest ways your kids have found to dirty/ destroy your house? Sorry I have to get off here a little faster today! Will get back to this tomorrow... Thanks for reading!                                                                                           


Elizabeth Barrios said...

Good luck with your baby and hope he gets better sOon. I sometimes wish it was me who was sick vs them.
Being a mom is a 24 hr job, it's especially hard for a stay at home mom. It's harder then it seems. I love being with my kids but sometimes need a break.
My almost 2 yr old daughter loves playing with the dog's water and then go to the sand box. You can image how my floors are after she is coming in and out of the house. I have learned that as long as we have kids our house will never be as cleaned as we would like. But as long as they are happy, I am a happy mom. They say things get easier as they grow and I am hoping it does. Good luck again!

malamrivera said...

Exactly! My 2 yr old always finds paint! Not sure where, but my wood floors have had entire bottles of craft paint squeezed on them! FYI- commercial grade WINDEX takes most of it off it you can catch it fast enough!